As summer is approaching, you can unwind & relax by sipping our handcrafted B. Toffee cocktail.
Mixing up your summer B. Toffeetini is simple.
B. Toffeetini Recipe
// Yield one large martini or two small //
• Caramel sauce (recipe below)
• 8 oz chopped B. Bits (you can purchase them here)
• Ice
• 1 1/2 ounces cooled espresso
• 2 ounces vanilla vodka
• Martini glass(es)
Making Caramel sauce:
Place 8 ounces (2 sticks) butter, 1 cup heavy whipping cream, and 1 cup brown sugar in a heavy-bottomed medium saucepan.
Cook on medium-high heat just until butter melts, frequently stirring (do not boil). Reduce heat to low and gently simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Cool. If made in advance and refrigerated, reheat on very low heat.
Crafting the cocktail:
Place about 1/4 cup of caramel sauce in a saucer or shallow dish. Place B. Bits in a separate saucer or shallow dish. Dip the rim of the martini glass(es) in caramel sauce (get a generous amount). Then dip the rim in B. bits, “splashing” more bits against the caramel sauce using the opposite hand. Turn upright and set aside.
Place ice in a cocktail shaker. Add espresso and vodka. Cover shaker and shake vigorously. Strain into the pre-prepared glass or glasses and serve immediately.